Marana Pinball Social League

Marana Pinball Social League (MPSL) 2024

Marana Pinball Social League (MPSL) is a weekly pinball league operated by MPC. The intent of the league is to provide a weekly gathering for local pinball enthusiasts, with some competition thrown in for good measure. Anyone can play! You don't need to be good to play in a pinball league, as players of all skill levels participate. 

While this is a casual league, we do follow a set of rules, and the league is sanctioned by the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA). 

This season of MPSL will last 8 weeks, followed by a finals week for everyone that participates in at least 4 league events. We understand that not everyone can commit to an 8-week schedule, so your 2 lowest scores will be dropped from the totals. 

Season 11 Dates (2024): 

Location: Catalina Brewing Company, 6918 N Camino Martin, Tucson, AZ

Time: 6:30 pm start. 

Duration: 2-2.5 hours

Format: Five games of group match play per week. Points are given for finishing position on each game, and your total for the night will be your score for the week. Weekly scores are added, and the lowest 2 scores at the end of the season will be dropped. All players that qualify for the season will be able to play in A Division or B Division finals. If 16 or more players qualify for the season, A Division finals will be a group elimination bracket with 8 players, and B Division finals will be group match play. If fewer than 16 players qualify for the season, both A and B Division finals will be group match play. 

Cost: $10 for the season, plus coin drop.

To sign up or to ask questions, email or contact us through Facebook messenger. You can also just show up on any league night!

Future league dates:

Early January start!